今天為了加記憶體,把VM的主機給停了,記憶體加完後開機,在加載系統時在Mount VSD時卻出現錯誤,錯誤訊息如下:
vsd-mount 【!!】
VSD Mount/Bin/SH:can’t access TTY job control turned off
在查詢了故障的訊息後,發現是因為VM主機上的esxconsole.vmdk 遺失的關係。
Go to the console of the ESX host. After the error message, ESX drops into Troubleshooting (busy box) mode. (先進入Troubleshooting 模式)
Find the .vmdk for the service console by running the command: (找到esxconsole.vmdk的存放路徑)
# grep "/boot/cosvmdk" /etc/vmware/esx.conf
The output is similar to:
/boot/cosvmdk = "/vmfs/volumes/<uuid>/<dir>/esxconsole.vmdk"
For example:
/boot/cosvmdk = "/vmfs/volumes/4a14d968-88bf7161-700f-00145ef48f76/esxconsole-4a14d906-2f96-7956-7284-00145ef48f74/esxconsole.vmdk" -
Make note of the <uuid> and the <dir> values in the output. (把uuid及以dir抄錄下來,即第二點反紅的部份)
Verify that the files exist by running the command: (確認路徑下VMDK的狀態)
# ls -al /vmfs/volumes/<uuid>/<dir>/*.vmdk
Where <uuid> and <path> is from the output of step 2.
The output is similar to:
total 7906560
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 840 May 21 00:45 .
drwxr-xr-t 1 root root 2660 Oct 21 09:10 ..
-rw------- 1 root root 8095006720 Oct 26 15:37 esxconsole-flat.vmdk
-rw------- 1 root root 475 May 21 00:32 esxconsole.vmdk
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 980 May 21 00:45 logs -
接下來這邊會有三個可能發生的狀況,請視自己遇到的狀況進行排除: (我選擇了第二項,重建VMDK)
Note: You may receive the error: ls: /vmfs/volumes/4a14d968-88bf7161-700f-00145ef48f76/esxconsole-4a14d906-2f96-7956-7284-045ef48f74/: No such file or directory. If the directory does not exist, see ESX fails to boot when the disk containing the datastore with esxconsole.vmdk is detected as a snapshot (1012142).
If the esxconsole.vmdk file does not exist, see Recreating a missing virtual disk (VMDK) header/descriptor file (1002511) and ensure that the following settings are in place:
1.# cd /vmfs/volumes/myvmfsvolume/mydir (進到vmdk存放的位置)
2.# ls -l vmdisk0-flat.vmdk (確認 vmdisk0-flat.vmdk 檔案大小)
-rw------- 1 root root 4294967296 Oct 11 12:30 vmdisk0-flat.vmdk
3.# vmkfstools -c 4294967296 -a lsilogic -d thin temp.vmdk (創建一個跟falt一樣大小的temp.vmdk,此時會另外產生一個temp-flat.vmdk)
4.# rm temp-flat.vmdk (移除temp-flat.vmdk)
5.# mv temp.vmdk vmdisk0.vmdk (把temp.vmdk 改名為 vmdisk0.vmdk)
6.# vi vmdisk0.vmdk (用vi打開vmdisk0.vmdk)
找到RW 8388608 VMFS "temp-flat.vmdk" 並修改為 RW 8388608 VMFS "vmdisk0-flat.vmdk"。
並在#ddb 下加入一行ddb.thinProvisioned = "1"。
cmd addnode failed for primary node: Internal AAM Error - agent could not start
在嘗試進行修改hosts及以conf後,以及官網上的# tcpdump -i vswif0 -s 900 -n udp port 8043 -w ${HOSTNAME}.pcap
Note: If the esxconsole-flat file does not exist, you must reinstall the ESX host to recreate the service console.